The Monument Springs Bushwhackers is a collection of individuals from all walks of life,
including such diverse occupations as doctors, welders, mechanics, lawyers, truck drivers and many
others. However, all these individuals share the common goal of preserving America’s Western
Heritage and the “Code of the West.” Also, those individuals share a couple of common traits, the
love of shooting the guns that won the West and the desire to compete.
MSB started in late 2003, when several residents of Lea County met at a house in Lovington,
New Mexico to discuss the formation of a new Cowboy Action Shooting Club. With the help of
members of the Seven Rivers Regulators CAS club in Carlsbad, New Mexico, the MSB club was
formed and officially began holding monthly matches in 2004 at the Hobbs Gun Club Range in
Hobbs, New Mexico. The matches were initially held on the fourth Sunday of each month. In 2007,
the match day was changed to the fourth Saturday of each month, which is the current schedule.
Monthly matches are held year round. Also, the MSB club hosts a multi day annual match on the
third weekend of May each year.
The monthly match usually consists of 4 to 6 stages shooting at metal plates, with each stage
usually involving the use of 2 single action revolvers of the type used in the Old West, one rifle
shooting pistol caliber cartridges such as were used in the Old West, and one shotgun (double barrel
or Winchester Mod. 97 type). Each stage usually includes 10 pistol rounds, 10 rifle rounds and 4
to 6 shotgun rounds. The annual match consists of 10 such stages spaced out over 2 days. In
addition, the annual match includes other side matches using other firearms such as long range
buffalo rifles, pocket pistols, derringers and specialty competition with the contestants main match
firearms. The MSB club is affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), and
competitors at the MSB annual match must be members of SASS.
SASS is an international organization which governs the sport of CAS for those clubs and
individuals that choose to be part of the SASS family. All SASS members must choose a shooting
alias, must wear period correct clothing for certain competitions, and must compete with firearms
meeting the criteria promulgated by the governing body of SASS. Cowboy Action Shooting is a
family sport. The main goals of the CAS family are fun, safety, family, fellowship and preserving
America’s history and values.
The MSB club invites anyone who likes to have fun, enjoys shooting, or is interested in the
history of the West to come visit our club at the Hobbs Gun Club Range on the fourth Saturday of
any month.